Knowledge Check 3/14

My main takeaway from Dr. Keisling's presentation was the realization of how sad and corrupt our government and society have been towards the special needs population. I knew there has been a stigma and that there continues to be a bit of one today but I guess I just didn't realize the extent to which they were treated and the institutionalizations they were pushed towards.
The era presentations opened my eyes only a little to the world of discrimination but today's lecture really turned the page, especially with the Kennedy story. I never knew the behind the scenes with their story and it really makes you think how many similar situations happened that weren't in the spotlight.
As a future occupational therapy practitioner, I already am someone who advocates for those with special needs but this just drives the cause more for me. I hate thinking about a single person having to go through what some have already endured. I want to be a voice that pushes for rights of all individuals.
